Christian Missions In Many Lands, Inc. (CMML) is a service organization established in 1921 which bridges the gap between those on the foreign field and their assemblies at home. CMML serves by facilitating prayer for missionaries, forwarding unsolicited, free-will gifts to the missionaries, and disseminating information concerning missionary activities. www.cmml.us

Christian Believers of Donelson is involved in a prison outreach ministry that sends Emmaus Correspondence Courses into local prisons. Learn more at Emmaus

Horton Haven Christian Camp is a camp and conference grounds an hour south of Nashville. Check out their summer camps and retreats!
Learn more at hortonhaven.org

Believers Stewardship Services is a ministry designed to glorify God by helping Christians accomplish their financial and estate planning goals in fulfilling biblical stewardship. Visit their website www.believersstewardship.org

Assembly Care exists to connect believers from New Testament patterned assemblies with commended workers, ministries and other similar assemblies in North America. A second goal is to make believers more aware of commended workers laboring within N. America, their practical needs, and our Biblical responsibility to "fellowship" in the gospel by meeting their needs. assemblycare.org